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Chris Christie Campaign Jobs

Chris Christie Announces Presidential Candidacy

Former New Jersey Governor Enters Race for 2016

Chris Christie's Campaign Staff Unveiled

TRENTON, N.J. - Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie announced his candidacy for president on Tuesday, unveiling a select list of his national campaign staff.

Christie's campaign team includes a mix of experienced political operatives and former Christie administration officials. Jeff Bell, a veteran strategist who worked on Christie's successful gubernatorial campaigns in 2009 and 2013, will serve as campaign manager.

Other key staff members include:

  • Bill Stepien, Christie's former campaign manager and a veteran of the 2012 presidential campaign of Mitt Romney, will serve as campaign director.
  • David Wildstein, Christie's former chief of staff, will serve as campaign senior advisor.
  • Nicole Wallace, a former Republican strategist and MSNBC contributor, will serve as campaign communications director.

Christie's announcement has been met with mixed reactions from within the Republican Party. Some Republicans have expressed concerns about Christie's poll numbers and his ability to unite the party behind him. Others have welcomed Christie's entry into the race, believing that he will add a much-needed dose of experience and pragmatism to the Republican field.

Christie is scheduled to make his first campaign appearance on Wednesday in New Hampshire, one of the key early voting states in the Republican primary process.


Chris Christie's presidential campaign is off to a promising start, with a strong team of experienced operatives and a clear message of leadership and experience. Whether he can overcome his early polling deficit and unite the Republican Party behind him remains to be seen, but Christie is a formidable candidate who will certainly be a force to be reckoned with in the 2016 race.
